Developer Guide

Project Structure

Each Django project consists of two things: a Django project, and one or more Django apps inside that project. For the What’s Fresh API, there is only one app.

The project is named whats_fresh, and the app whats_fresh_api.

The Git repository contains the Django project as a subdirectory, with related files – the Vagrant setup file, the pip requirements file, etc in the root of the repository as well.

Inside the project folder, whats_fresh, there is a file that can be used to install the project. To manage the server, use django-admin. To read more about it and its functions, see the Django documentation.

Django stores the project information, including, inside the second project folder, /path/to/repository/whats_fresh/whats_fresh. The app itself is stored in /path/to/repository/whats_fresh/whats_fresh_api.

Issue Tracking

The bug tracker for the What’s Fresh API is at, and all bugs and feature requests for the What’s Fresh API should be tracked there. Please create an issue for any code, documentation or translation you wish to contribute.

Repository Layout

We loosely follow Git-flow for managing repository. Read about the branching model and why you may wish to use it too.

Releases only, this is the main public branch.
A release branch, the current release branch is tagged and merged into master.
Mostly stable development branch. Small changes only. It is acceptable that this branch have bugs, but should remain mostly stable.
feature/<issue number>
New features, these will be merged into develop when complete.

When working on new code, be sure to create a new branch from the appropriate place:

  • develop - if this is a new feature
  • release/<version> - if this is a bug fix on an existing release

Code Standards

We follow PEP 8, “the guide for python style”.

Developing with Docker

Platform dependent specifics

If you are using Linux you will need to prefix all of the following commands with sudo. If you are using OS X you will need to use the boot2docker tool.


Starting multiple Docker containers with complicated options can lead to a lengthy and difficult to remember commands. Using fig, a program for orchestrating multiple Docker containers, setting up the development environment can be done with one command:

$ fig up

This command starts a postgis container and a What’s Fresh container using the fig.yml file. Fig creates a volume mount to the current directory to make development easier.

Postgis image

The What’s Fresh Docker workflow relies on the kartoza/postgis image available on the docker hub. To pull this image run:

$ docker pull kartoza/postgis

The image can take two optional environment variables to specify a user and password to the database. These will be specified with the -e option. A port should be provided with the -p followed by the port to communicate with the host machine, a colon, and the port to communicate with the container. Make sure the environment variables passed to this container match those which are passed to the What’s Fresh API Docker image. Reasonable defaults can be found in the Dockerfile. Postgres typically runs on port 5432. To run the image:

$ docker run -d --name postgis -p $HOSTPORT:$CONTAINERPORT -e  USERNAME=$USERNAME -e PASS=$PASSWORD kartoza/postgis

Make sure that the What’s Fresh project container connects to the database over the host port.

Building the What’s Fresh docker image

$ docker build -t="osuosl/whats_fresh:dev" .

Running the What’s Fresh docker image

The Dockerfile included in the root of the repository will load the code from the current directory. This means that any changes you made to your copy of the repository will be run. Environment variables can be passed with the -e option. The Dockerfile specifies a reasonable default set of environment variables, which can be overridden with the -e option.

Before the app is ready, create the database and run migrations.

$ docker exec -it postgis bash
# createdb -U $USERNAME -h localhost $DBNAME
# psql -U $USERNAME -h localhost
DBNAME=# create extension postgis;
# ^D
$ docker run --link postgis:postgis osuosl/whats_fresh:dev python migrate

Next, connect to the database with psql and create the relevant user.

$ psql -h localhost -U docker -p $HOSTPORT

Running the server is similar:

$ docker run --link postgis:postgis -p 8000:8000 osuosl/whats_fresh:dev

If you are running linux, connect to http://localhost:8000 in your browser. If you are running OS X, get the IP address of your boot2docker vm

$ boot2docker ip

Next connect to in your browser.

On occasion it may be necessary to obtain a shell in the container:

$ docker run -it osuosl/whats_fresh:dev bash

Some developers may prefer to mount their copy of the application as a volume when they run the app:

$ docker run -v /path/to/code/:/opt/whats_fresh --link postgis:postgis osuosl/whats_fresh:dev



This project comes with a Test Kitchen configuration set up to manage and create a homogeneous development environment and allow developers to destroy and recreate their environment in the case that something goes horribly, horribly wrong. It’s not necessary to use this environment, but using it will make sure that your environment is as close to the production environment, and to other developer’s environments, as possible.

To set up a development environment yourself, see Manually setting up the What’s Fresh environment.

To set up this environment on your own machine, you’ll need a few things:

Chef DK

The first step of this process is to install the Chef Development Kit. It can be obtained from

Ruby Gems

In order to install the required gems, you’ll need to install the ruby

Kitchen is a Ruby gem. To install it, just use gem install:

$ chef gem install knife-spork knife-flip knife-solve knife-backup knife-cleanup \
  knife-env-diff foodcritic berkshelf test-kitchen kitchen-vagrant kitchen-openstack


To install Vagrant, just use your package manager:

$ sudo yum install vagrant # Debian or Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install vagrant # Centos

vagrant-berkshelf and vagrant-omnibus

These plugins are used to configure the Vagrant machine. To install these plugins, you’ll need to use Vagrant’s plugin manager:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf


Now, you’ll need to update your Berkshelf. This allows your virtual machine to configure itself:

$ berks update

You’re ready to go! To get the environment started, type kitchen converge dev in the root of the Git repository.

After a while (this process may take a quite few minutes), your machine will be ready to use. To log in, type kitchen login dev.

Now you should be on the Vagrant machine:

[vagrant@develop-centos-65 ~]$

To get developing, you’ll need to prepare your virtual environment. To do so, first activate the Python virtualenv:

[vagrant@develop-centos-65 ~]$ source /opt/whats_fresh/shared/env/bin/activate

Your prompt should look like this now:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 ~]$

Manually setting up the What’s Fresh environment

The What’s Fresh API has been developed and tested on Python 2.7, Postgres 9.3.5, and PostGIS 2.1.3, with GDAL 1.9.2.

Installing PostGIS and requirements

To install PostGIS, PostgreSQL, and its requirements, follow the installation instructions on PostGIS’s website.

After installing PostGIS and Postgres, you’ll need to prepare the database using the psql tool:

$ createdb whats_fresh
$ psql whats_fresh
whats_fresh-# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;

You can exit the PSQL prompt by pressing Ctrl+D on your keyboard.

Getting What’s Fresh source code

After PostGIS is installed, you’ll need to use git to clone the What’s Fresh repository. If you don’t have git, install it using your system’s package manager.

Now, clone the API repository:

$ git clone

This will place the source code in the subdirectory whats-fresh-api. You’ll want to use a Python virtual environment and the pip package manager to set up the Python requirements:

$ cd whats-fresh-api
$ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/whats-fresh
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/whats-fresh/bin/activate
(whats-fresh)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd whats_fresh

You’re now ready to run and develop the project!

Running the Django project

At this point, you should have a working database and copy of the source code. You may be developing on your physical machine, or using a virtual machine as described above. After setting up the virtual environment, navigate to the project directory, and install the server using develop:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 ~]$ cd whats_fresh/
(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 whats_fresh]$ python develop

Now, you can run the django-admin tool from anywhere in your environment. However, you’ll need to tell it what django-settings to use by exporting the proper environment variable:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 whats_fresh]$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="whats_fresh.settings"

Create the database tables using django-admin:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 ~]$ django-admin migrate

If you plan on logging into the web interface, you’ll need to create a user account. You can use django-admin to create a superuser account:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 ~]$ django-admin createsuperuser

You should now be ready to run the Django app!

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 ~]$ django-admin runserver

To access the server in your web browser, navigate to


The What’s Fresh API uses test-driven development. What this means is that, before writing a feature – be it a new API endpoint, a model, or a bug fix – you should write a test. After writing the feature, run the test to verify that it works, and when you’re satisfied with your implementation, re-run the entire test suite to make sure there were no regressions.

Each test lives inside the whats_fresh_api/tests/ directory, organized into a subdirectory based on what kind of test it is. For instance, all model tests live inside the models subdirectory, while views would live inside the view directory.

For information on how to write tests, see Django’s guide on writing tests.

Let’s say you’ve just modified the code – say, you edited the Vendor model due to a bug you found. Instead of running the entire testing suite, you can run just one set of tests at a time:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 whats_fresh]$ django-admin test whats_fresh.whats_fresh_api.tests.models.test_vendor_model.VendorTestCase


Running tests is based on the directory name, using the following syntax:

whats_fresh.whats_fresh_api.tests.<test subdirectory>.<test file>.<test class name>

For a test called ImageTestCase inside of tests/views/, you would need to run the following command:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 whats_fresh]$ django-admin test whats_fresh.whats_fresh_api.tests.views.test_image_view.ImageTestCase

To make sure that you didn’t break anything unexpected, it can be a good idea to periodically run the entire testing suite:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 whats_fresh]$ django-admin test whats_fresh


Django allows you to load pre-written data into the database for testing purposes. The data is stored in files called fixtures, and for testing purposes, the What’s Fresh API comes with a few hand-written (for running tests where we need to know the input data) and a large number of automatically generated (for when we simply want to have data in our database).

To install a fixture, use the django-admin command’s loaddata option:

(env)[vagrant@develop-centos-65 whats_fresh]$ django-admin loaddata fixtures

There are many sets of fixtures available. test_fixtures is the original set of fixtures, but the real_data fixtures are more comprehensive and should be used in new tests.